
Do you wish to gain the HPD certification?

Are you an experienced hypnotherapist who trained long enough ago that you don’t have the HPD (Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma) considered to be the gold standard in the hypnotherapy world, which gives access to membership to registration with CNHC, the accrediting body for complementary healthcare and voluntary self regulation?

Are you a hypnotherapist who needs support and encouragement to gain the HPD accreditation through NCH and NCFE, because it is just too difficult on your own?

I have the pathway and solution for you.  You may choose to complete the portfolio with  support and encouragement in three ways:

Path one: I register you with NCH as one of my students and you produce three written submissions to me over the course of a year, with a thorough review and helpful comments, tips and techniques, so that you know exactly how to achieve the portfolio and to achieve the required standard .

Path two: You complete an HPD preparation day and then produce your three written submissions to me over the course of a year. The preparation day takes you through the questions in easy steps and enables you to feel confident of achieving the qualification.

Path three: Train for 120 hours face to face with UK Academy and gain the HPD with ease and confidence.

As a qualified and experienced assessor, I can help you on the path to excellence in achieving the HPD Diploma, which you have never completed or failed to finish in the past because life got in the way or just because the course you took did not prepare you for the HPD.

Upcoming HPD Training Days

Bristol: 11 May 2018

Bristol: 5 October 2018

Bristol: 31 August 2018

Get in Touch!

Dates & Fees

Path one: £187 and £50 registration: HPD Diploma

Path two: £77 for HPD preparation day+ £187 and £50
registration fee

Path three: Full training with UK Academy: £2,220. Payment
terms available for full course , leading to Dip Cah and HPD. Free
tutorials/supervision outside course hours. £50 registration fee which includes
all special HPD preparation.

Dates: HPD training days: Bristol: 15 May  2021 and 27 November 2021

Get in Touch!

Do you wish to gain the HPD certification?

Are you an experienced hypnotherapist who trained long enough ago that you don’t have the HPD (Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma) considered to be the gold standard in the hypnotherapy world, which gives access to membership to registration with CNHC, the accrediting body for complementary healthcare and voluntary self regulation?

Are you a hypnotherapist who needs support and encouragement to gain the HPD accreditation through NCH and NCFE, because it is just too difficult on your own?

I have the pathway and solution for you.  You may choose to complete the portfolio with  support and encouragement in three ways:

Path one: I register you with NCH as one of my students and you produce three written submissions to me over the course of a year, with a thorough review and helpful comments, tips and techniques, so that you know exactly how to achieve the portfolio and to achieve the required standard .

Path two: You complete an HPD preparation day and then produce your three written submissions to me over the course of a year. The preparation day takes you through the questions in easy steps and enables you to feel confident of achieving the qualification.

Path three: Train for 120 hours face to face with UK Academy and gain the HPD with ease and confidence.

As a qualified and experienced assessor, I can help you on the path to excellence in achieving the HPD Diploma, which you have never completed or failed to finish in the past because life got in the way or just because the course you took did not prepare you for the HPD.

Fees & Sessions

Fees & Sessions

Path one: £187 and £50 registration: HPD Diploma

Path two: £77 for HPD preparation day+ £187 and £50 registration fee

Path three: Full training with UK Academy: £2,220. Payment terms available for full course , leading to Dip Cah and HPD. Free tutorials/supervision outside course hours. £50 registration fee which includes all special HPD preparation.

Dates: HPD training days: Bristol: 11 May, 31 August, 5 October 2018


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